Big Boar Product - 2014 Price Guide

[All prices listed are US $ and are subject to change]

Part # Description Price US $

Batteries (12v)** Free Shipping on Batteries.

BB350 Big Boar Battery, 350 CCA,
20 A/H, 6 7/8"L x 6 1/16"T x 3 5/16"Wide 189.95

BB350-RP Big Boar Battery, Rev Polarity, 350 CCA,
6 7/8"Lx6 1/16"Tx3 5/16" W 189.95
BB314 Big Boar Battery, 300 CCA,  5 9/16" Tall x 6" Long x 3 7/16" Wide 179.95
BB314-RP Big Boar Battery, 300 CCA,  5 9/16" Tall x 6" Long x 3 7/16" Wide 179.95
BB312 Big Boar 300 Mini Battery, 230 CCA, 12 A/H, 6"L x 5 1/16"T x 3 1/2"W 169.95
BB1000 Big Boar 1000 Battery, 650 CCA, 24 A/H, 6 3/4"T x 6 1/2"T x 5"W 265.00
All Fat Tire Kits include Rear Tire !!
FXR 180/200 Kit
SWNG001 Includes swingarm, offset kit, 180 or 200 mm tire, steel fender, all necessary hardware and instructions. frame modification required. Stock belt 1395.00
Includes swingarm, offset kit, 180 or 200 mm tire, steel fender, all necessary hardware and instructions. frame modification required. Stock belt W/ 60 Spoke wheel 1795.00
FX Shovel Fat Tire Kits
FXSWNG001 200 Swing Arm, Offset Kit, FX (includes Steel Fender & 200 Tire) 1395.00
200 Swing Arm, Offset Kit, FX (includes Steel Fender & 200 Tire) w/60 spoke wheel 1795.00
Dresser Fat Tire Kits
Includes swingarm, offset kit, 180 or 200mm tire, steel fender, saddlebag mounts, all necessary hardware and instructions.
1980-2014 models Kit 1795.00
Dyna Fat Tire Kit
All Dyna Kits include swingarm, offset kit, tire, steel fender, all hardware hardware and instructions. run 200mm and larger tire using a 1 1/8” belt. Slight frame modification required
180 / 200 Kit 1895.00
240 Kit 2995.00
300 Kit with 6-Speed RSD Trans 3495.00
Sportster Fat Tire Kits
Sportster kit includes swingarm, offset kit, 200mm tire, steel fender, all hardware and instructions. [slight frame modification required]
1986 – 2014 models 1395.00
New - Sportster kit includes swingarm, offset kit, 200mm tire, steel fender, all hardware and instructions. [slight frame modification required]
2005 – 2014 models 1395.00
Softail Fat Tire Kits: [left side drive]
All kits include swingarm, offset kit, tire, steel fender, all hardware and instructions. [slight frame modifications required]
200 Evo kit 1895.00
240 Evo kit 1995.00
200 Twin Cam kit 1995.00
240 Twin Cam kit 2195.00
Softail Fat Tire Kit: [right side drive]
Kit includes Giant 300 swingarm, 6 speed, right side drive transmission parts, strutless steel fender, and 300mm tire. [some frame modifications required] 3295.00
V-Rod Fat Tire Kit:
V-Rod Fat Tire Kit. Kit includes wheel, 240 tire, Pulley, Rotor & Belt. No need to remove swingarm. 1995.00
60 Spoke 5.5 x 16 or 5.5 x 18, Chrome 495.00
60 Spoke Billet Hub Wheel, 18x8.5 stainless steel Spokes  [machined for our Kits] 695.00
80 Spoke 5.5 x 16 or 5.5 x 18 Chrome for 1999 and previous models 495.00
80 Spoke 5.5 x 16 or 5.5 x 18 Chrome for 2000 and up models 495.00
Handle Bar Bushings: The Original!
#9-9131 Handle Bar Bushing Kit, Red Polyurethane, Incl washers/spacers/bushings 19.95
Frame Raking 750.00
Install Fat tire kits:
FX, FXR, Sportster 850.00
Dyna 1250.00
Dresser 995.00
Dresser 200 995.00
Softail Evo 995.00
Softail Twin cam 1250.00
Prices subject to change without notice.
Battery prices include shipping charges within the continental United States
Prices could vary depending on charges